Sublime Jackalope, Special Stamps

Sublime Jackalope, Special Stamps

Mint’s slightly Understable control driver with the coolest animal name!
It’s an easy thrower that will almost every skill level has a need for. The slightly understable flight makes it the ultimate line shaper in the woods and can provide big distance with a tail wind.


Jackalope Flight Chart

Control Driver

Speed: 8Glide: 5Turn: -2Fade: 1See ALL our Jackalope Discs

Sublime Jackalope, Majestic Edition

Sublime Jackalope, Majestic Edition

Mint’s slightly Understable control driver with the coolest animal name!
It’s an easy thrower that will almost every skill level has a need for. The slightly understable flight makes it the ultimate line shaper in the woods and can provide big distance with a tail wind.


Jackalope Flight Chart

Control Driver

Speed: 8Glide: 5Turn: -2Fade: 1See ALL our Jackalope Discs

Sublime Jackalope

Sublime Jackalope

Mint’s slightly Understable control driver with the coolest animal name!
It’s an easy thrower that will almost every skill level has a need for. The slightly understable flight makes it the ultimate line shaper in the woods and can provide big distance with a tail wind.


Jackalope Flight Chart

Control Driver

Speed: 8Glide: 5Turn: -2Fade: 1See ALL our Jackalope Discs